August Black is an artist and creative technologist who studies and practices in the overlapping areas of art, science, design, and critical media theory.
Contributors 2012

The collective formed in 2009 by the audiovisual artist Tasos Lizos, composer Niko Palamares, performer Orestis Plakias and musician Kyriakos Tsoukalas with the purpose of realizing music performances and visuals improvisation. Performances include The «AudioVisual Arts Festival 2010 by Ionian University at Corfu, Greece» and «Make Art festival 2010 by GOTO10 at Planetarium in Poitiers, France». Instruments used are laptops, handhelds, projectors and devices of analog sound production. Team:
Orestis Plakias (circuit bending)
Niko Palamares (sound designer)
Tasos Lizos (graphics Designer)

Beste is a Senior Interaction Designer at Orange Labs, London who gained her masters degree from Carnegie Mellon University's Interaction Design program in 2008.
Beste has a passion for making meaningful user experiences in both digital and physical interfaces and has had the chance to explore and develop her skills and ideas about interaction design whilst working in her current postion at Orange and in past postions at Yahoo! Research, Trafo Interactive and makefreshmedia.

Chimbalab is an art and Technology laboratory based in Santiago de Chile. Since its inception in 2008 it has been focused in the creation of sharing networks, discussion and reflection spaces, open hardware research and DIY technologies practices. Chimbalab has been an active cultural agent both in the Chilean context as in the South American one, understanding and promoting the idea of the technology in a broad sense, as an artistic production strategy and as an alternative of subsistence.
Chimbalab is Claudia González Godoy & Constanza Piña Pardo

David Young is an Irish artist/researcher, currently participating in the Networked Media course at the Piet Zwart Institute. His most recent research engages with the politics of cybernetic theory, and exploring how the remnants of this Cold War ideology affect contemporary networked culture. He has worked on the technical production of exhibitions for galleries such as the Netherlands Institute for Media Art (NIMk) in Amsterdam, and was a founding member of the Dodo Collective in 2008, an artist group that organised a series of exhibitions in vacant retail spaces around Dublin city.

Dmytri Kleiner develops miscommunication technologies that uncover the social relations embedded in communication platforms. He is an active member of the Telekommunisten Network, and the author of the Telekommunist Manifesto.

Eleanor Greenhalgh is a fine artist working with networked media and collaboration and is interested how social & technical protocols are used to regulate (or resist) our experiences of sexuality and physical embodiment.
She is currently doing the MA Networked Media Design at the Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam.
She runs the Radical X platform for collaborative art and writing, which explores the insersections of sexuality, radical politics and new media.

Graduated at Academy of fine arts in Banska Bystrica
Working as media artist in different fields from projections and sound art to 3d graphic.

EXPANDERR derivates from some other initiatives keen to use spaces without use, or so called "Leerstände" to organize parties, open exhibitions and similar activities.
EXPANDERRR is a international collective based in linz austria and an association in the process of emergence.
Christa Wall, Julia-Michaela Hartig, Pantelis Giannakis, Ioan Cernei, Alexander de las Herras Carballo, Bomi Ahn, Katharina Mayrhofer, Dominik Leitner, Michael Schweiger...and you?