Contributors 2016

Vincenzo Estremo is PHD in Audiovisual Studies at University of Udine and Kunstuneversität Linz. He has published several essays and scientific interventions in specialized journals and co-edited: Extended Temporalities. Transient Visions in Museum and Art (2016); Albert Serra, cinema arte e performance (2018); Teoria del lavoro reputazionale. Saggio sul capitalismo artistico (2020). He directs the online magazine Droste Effect and regularly collaborates with Flash Art. He is a lecturer in Curating of Moving Images at NABA, Milan and in Media Theory at Accademia di belle arti di Genova.

Wolfgang Spahn is an Austrian-German sound and visual artist based in Berlin. His work includes interactive installations, miniature-slide-paintings and performances of light & sound. His art explores the field of analogue and digital media and focusses on both their contradiction and their correlation. That's why he is also specialized in re-appropriated and re-purposed electronic technologies.