Contributors 2020

Simon Weckert is an artist with his home base in Berlin. He likes to share knowledge on a wide range of fields from generative design to physical computing. His focus is the digital world – including everything related to code and electronics under the reflection on current social aspects, ranging from technology oriented examinations to the discussion of current social issues.

Simon Worthington is a researcher in future publishing, including — free and open source software, economic models, and the politics of Open Science. Author of ‘The Book Liberation Manifesto’ outlining plans for the automation of publishing infrastructures to contribute to making research available to all.

Taro is a long term artist in residency at Station Messschiff Eleonore in Linz. He is at ease with working, observing, researching, experimenting and playing [with] the fringes of science, art, politics, life, realities.

Tega Brain is an Australian-born artist and environmental engineer whose work examines issues of ecology, data systems and infrastructure. She has created wireless networks that respond to natural phenomena, systems for obfuscating fitness data, and an online smell-based dating service.

Trial#1 is a Linz based collective of three female artists: Natalia Shepeleva (RU), Sara Mlakar (SI), and Mascha Illich (UA). Combining knowledge from technical and artistic fields, they are mainly focused on creating and hacking DIY noise instruments, exploring their audio and/or visual signals, and combining them into unique sonic landscapes.

Us(c)hi Reiter studied graphic and design at the Kunstuniverstät Linz. As artist and project developer with a special interesst in net.activism and audio-visual communication, she has been collaborating with different groups and artists since 1998. From 2005 till 2017 Reiter run the non-profit cultural backbone organisation & Kultur im Netz.

She continues to research Free/Libre/Open Source Software in the frame of cultural production and art as well as work on conceptual and performative setups.

Valie Djordjevic lives and works in Berlin.

She studied Comparative Literature, Slavic Languages and Film Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin and finished her BA (Hons) Humanities with English Language at the Open University, Milton Keynes (UK).

Dr. Violeta Moreno-Lax is Reader (Associate Professor) in Law, founder of the Immigration Law programme, and co-founder of the Centre for European and International Legal Affairs (CEILA) at Queen Mary University of London. She specialises in international and European migration and asylum law and borders and displacement studies, looking particularly at the issue of access to international protection, which she has investigated in her recent monograph: Accessing Asylum in Europe (Oxford University Press, 2017).

Wolfgang Spahn is an Austrian-German sound and visual artist based in Berlin. His work includes interactive installations, miniature-slide-paintings and performances of light & sound. His art explores the field of analogue and digital media and focusses on both their contradiction and their correlation. That's why he is also specialized in re-appropriated and re-purposed electronic technologies.