Contributors 2022

Toma Pilein builds and unbuilds machines to reveal and conceal electromagnetic processes through sound, visible light, and consumable substances. Revolving around the phenomenon of oscillation, the fields of portrait photography, cocktail robotics, and amateur radio are ploughed. Academically Toma researches on electronic textile transducers and is teaching students how to build mechatronic ideas. In the spirit of sharing, Toma has presented his work on morning TV shows, international conferences, and art festivals in Europe, Asia, and North America.

Trial#1 is a Linz based collective of three female artists: Natalia Shepeleva (RU), Sara Mlakar (SI), and Mascha Illich (UA). Combining knowledge from technical and artistic fields, they are mainly focused on creating and hacking DIY noise instruments, exploring their audio and/or visual signals, and combining them into unique sonic landscapes.

Us(c)hi Reiter studied graphic and design at the Kunstuniverstät Linz. As artist and project developer with a special interesst in net.activism and audio-visual communication, she has been collaborating with different groups and artists since 1998. From 2005 till 2017 Reiter run the non-profit cultural backbone organisation & Kultur im Netz.

She continues to research Free/Libre/Open Source Software in the frame of cultural production and art as well as work on conceptual and performative setups.

Varia is a cultural member based organisation in Rotterdam, which brings a group of 20 people together who work with artists, designers, programmers, writers and educators.

This group engages with different collective ways of working, thinking, living and imagining, which each can be unfolded and will render into a range of understandings of the word "collectivity".

Vincenzo Estremo is PHD in Audiovisual Studies at University of Udine and Kunstuneversität Linz. He has published several essays and scientific interventions in specialized journals and co-edited: Extended Temporalities. Transient Visions in Museum and Art (2016); Albert Serra, cinema arte e performance (2018); Teoria del lavoro reputazionale. Saggio sul capitalismo artistico (2020). He directs the online magazine Droste Effect and regularly collaborates with Flash Art. He is a lecturer in Curating of Moving Images at NABA, Milan and in Media Theory at Accademia di belle arti di Genova.

Vo Ezn /vɔ ɪzn/ -- sound && infrastructure artist, working on server-side tensions and introverted interfaces ][ figuring out tools for-to knowledge-sharing / opting-out / autonomy ][ --to-for-by-with on my own terms. ++ @ feminist server collectives Anarchaserver and Systerserver, and Solisoft [radical technology collective and solidarity network in NL.

WordMord poses questions on the relationship between language, technology, trauma and violence. The collective artistic research evolves through workshops, presentations and artworks. Through collaborations with artists, activists and groups working on feminist coding, WordMord seeks to shape an online rhizomatic space as an active feminist archive. At the same time, the project will provide tools and methods towards a poetically subversive meta/para/re-writing of derogatory narratives and consequently of trauma and violence.

Yann Martins is a debugger, programmer, researcher and *core artist currently working at IXDM. His software practices lie at the intersection of debugging, computer music and game design. He has exhibited his works, and done workshops and lectures at the Japan Media Art Awards, H3K, AMRO, Transmediale and at various venues in Florence, Basel and Zurich.

Zergon (Aleš Hieng) is a DJ, music producer and sound artist from Ljubljana. He is a member of the Synaptic Crew, and, among other things, works in the field of audio-visual performance and in the wide field of DIY electronics. He is interested in club music as well as in sound research and audio-visual experimentation. His sound ranges from techno to IDM, experimental electronics, noise and abstract drone.