Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures

Experimental-documentary video, dir. cut, 30 min, 2023

Performative statement, 30 min

Speakers in the film: Basha Changuerra (CNAACAT), Nat Raha, Piro Rexhepi, Ramón Grosfoguel Ruth Wilson Gilmore with additional research through conversations with Bogdan Popa, Aigul Hakimova, Danijela Almesberger (LORI). The experimental-documentary video, presented in a directors' cut format, moves from the history of Black Marxism, trans* and LGBTQI+ history to analysis of racism, Black Lives Matter! The work is an analysis of the logic of Western colonialism and capitalism, which requires a more accurate and complex analysis of racism.

The performative statement departs from a video-film and engages with challenging aspects of his­tory to think critically about historical narratives, especially those that involve the lasting effects of systematic violence. As the film relates to the exploration of cinematic performative expressions that challenge and subvert the oppressive forces associated with necropolitics, the talk also reflects on provocative encounter between artistic expressions, technology and critical discourses and its possibilities of reseeding resistance. It is an exploration of various themes including death, violence, empower­ment and the future.

Statement by Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek.

Marina Gržinić, Tjaša Kancler, Jovita Pristovšek, Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures, 2023

Image caption: Marina Gržinić, Tjaša Kancler, Jovita Pristovšek, Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures, 2023

Ph: Martin Bruner
