James Stevens
James Stevens is the founder member of SPC and lives with his family in Deptford
SE London. Whilst directing operations at web boutique Obsolete in 1996
he launched Backspace, the proto cybercafe on Clink Street, London Bridge; a
response to conversations with Heath Bunting on the needs for an
accessible place to explore creative networking and critical media in
public. After fitting it out with artist Tim Cook it was modeled by
digital native Dorian Moore to become a touchstone to a thousand web
coders and inventors, and inspiration for the technology spaces and
businesses that boomed in the years that followed.
James teamed up with Julian Priest in 2000 to present wireless network
primer Consume which advocated the open wireless networking that today
thrives at OWN based in Deptford SE8. SPC moved up to Deckspace in 2001
and retains the rooftop studio spaces for use by its subscribers and
continues to offer DIY web, mail and media hosting alongside a bramble
of experiment and collaboration in progress.

Amro Contributions
Year | Title | Format |
2014 | DATA UNION discussion group/worklab | Worklab, Presentation |