IOhannes m zmölnig
IOhannes m zmölnig is an Austria-based software- and media-artist and member of the art-collective forum::für::umläute. He is currently working at the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) in Graz. Being an active member of the FLOSS-community, he is one of the core developers of the Pure Data computer music environment, for which he also provides a number of libraries, including Gem for realtime-graphics and iemguts which is targeted at writing live-coding systems within Pd. IOhannes m zmölnig has performed concerts between Bergen and São Paolo, Perth and New York.

Amro Contributions
Year | Title | Format |
2018 | *pointillism* | Performance |
2010 | PD/GEM | Lecture |
2010 | do sinusoids dream of electric sweeps? | Lecture |
2010 | PD/GEM | Workshop |
2010 | do sinusoids dream of electric sweeps? | Performance |
2008 | reine agenten : conceptual patches (Pure Data) | Lecture |
2008 | PD | Performance |