Ivar Veermäe
Ivar Veermäe's (EE/DE) work circles around questions of public space, networks and new technologies. As a result of long-term artistic research by means of photography, film and sound, his works are presented in versatile ways (such as video, on-site installations, interactive works and performances, also in public space). Ivar Veermäe aims to document and analyze the infrastructure underlying our contemporary culture of data and information. His projects show a processual, still evolving and therefore non-finite character that enables further discussions.

Amro Contributions
Year | Title | Format |
2016 | Behind the Smart World - Opening | Worklab |
2016 | Behind the Smart World - Exhibition | Worklab |
2016 | Behind the Smart World - Exhibition | Exhibition |
2016 | Behind the Smart World - Opening | Exhibition |
Behind the Smart World - Exhibition | Exhibition |