Contributors 2022

Born in the year 2000 Sophie Rieger is a Linz based artist and since 2019 studies Sculptural Conceptions and Ceramics at the University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz.

Last exhibitions: Windows 21 with Frisiersalon Salzamt Linz (2021), PKK at Haus Wien (2021)

The Stadtwerkstatt / STWST has been an art, club culture and autonomous structure since 1979 and has always been inextricably linked to a self-image of activism, subculture and a practice of constantly redefining art contexts. STWST has realised many pioneering media and art projects and has always been an inspiring initiative for numerous artists both inside and outside the city. Today, STWST works in the areas of New Art Contexts, runs the STWST Club, media channels such as the newspaper Versorgerin and the Cafe Strom.

Stefan Tiefengraber lives and works in Linz, Austria. His work ranges from kinetic sound installations and interactive installations to audio-video noise performances. Tiefengraber experiments with the modification of devices, which are originally manufactured for different purposes. Combined with the perception of the audience, this experimental attempt of exploring old and new materials leads him to new and unpredictable results.

“Swap Space” took place in Graz, Austria in April 2022.

It was an exploration of novel forms of collaborative artistic research brought together through concepts of the simultaneous and the spatial.

Tamara Lewis is a senior lecturer in the International and European Law department at The Hague University for Applied Sciences. She creates content with web 2.0 and 3.0 tools as learning solutions. She serves on a digital task force to assist lecturers in their online learning design and instruction. She is interested in securing digital classroom tools adapted to learner needs and learning outcomes. She incorporates the principles of andragogy in her course design and uses learner feedback to re-design courses and modules.

Time's Up is an Austrian organisation investigating the future everyday. Time's Up creates explorable spaces in the context of possible futures, building physical stories that explore contemporary sociopolitical issues.

The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest (TITiPI) is a trans-practice gathering of activists, artists, engineers and theorists initiated by Miriyam Aouragh, Seda Gürses, Helen Pritchard and Femke Snelting. They convene communities to hold computational infrastructures to account and create spaces for articulating what technologies in the “public interest” might be when “public interest” is always in-the-making.

Tiziana Centofanti (IT) is an Environmental Scientist at alchemia-nova and a Visiting Professor at Central European University. She holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences, a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences (with distinction). Tiziana has developed, led, and managed multiple projects in the field of green-technologies and nature-based solutions for water and soil contamination.