The workshop is based on a module or part of our project SPREADCOM, which acts as a sound RXTX device in a complex communication environment.
We will construct the sound device, which is able to listen, analyse and emit sounds. This will enable the participants to acquire an inside view of how a simple communication device is built, including sensors, micro computer and programming. We will wire together different electronic modules and an arduino-enabled micro controller, take some steps into programming tools and writing the code. We will be able to tweak the code and functions as well as to build custom enclosure for the device.
Participants are encouraged to assemble the device with pre-constructed modules, load the code on it, and experiment-play with numbers.
time needed: up to 4 hours
time plan:
- short intro
- basics about sound propagation, arduino and wires,
- we will show devices that are already built and how they work
- assembling the devices
- assembling enclosure or module-holder
- loading software
- testing
- experimenting
- more about sound communication possibilities